Wednesday, July 20, 2011

chicken #4

i love when my little chickens turn 1.
it's a mix of emotions.
the one thing i really DO love about them
turning 1, is their 1 year pictures.
don't you just love getting your
kids pictures taken!?
i get so excited when i open up
my email and see .
right after the shoot i anticipate
 how they are going to turn out!
i also love planning
where to hang the pictures.
here are just a few of my favorite!



  1. Awwww, he is such a doll! And the pictures turned out *great*! A great photographer is pretty much priceless...I mean, you are never going to get that time back, so it better be well-documented! (c: In fact, you just reminded me that I need to get my booty in gear and get some taken of *my* little chickens!
