Tuesday, September 27, 2011

green thumb?

i pretend to have one.
 i've killed some, moved some to the back yard, and helped some "thrive" in my home.

do you have a green thumb?
(i have completely given up on orchids.)

if you are like me...don't give up!!
(i haven't)

check out these fantastic house plants!

we can't forget the Chia Pet!!!



  1. I don't have a green thumb, that's why I love succulents, they're hard to kill!

  2. Oh my gosh, *YES*...I kill everything...the only thing I haven't killed is a house plant that my grandma gave me and I fully attribute that to the fact that she grew it herself and I'm pretty sure it's hanging on out of respect for her!!! (c: They really do look lovely...if only I could keep them alive!
